Bread For The World

Bread for the World
The media often present the start of the holiday season year end in America with images of thousands of people in a buying frenzy clothes at department stores and electronics. But that vision masks an alarming reality: In the richest country in the world 49 million people suffer from food shortages.
Founded in 1974 and with a current stake of more than 6,000 churches of various denominations, Bread for the World is kept lobbying for approving legislation in Congress, programs and projects against hunger and extreme poverty not only in the United States but also internationally.
Among Hispanics more than 3.6 million people suffer due to lack of basic needs. The sad reality is that nearly half of those people are children under age and what worries us what hunger in children can cause physical, emotional and academic distress “shared Bishop Jose Garcia.
One goal of the organization is to work for the federal and state budgets to support school feeding programs is maintained, not only for the educational season, but throughout the year, including summer.
Bishop Garcia argues that one of the best ways the public can help individually is to stay informed and communicate with their representatives in government and in Congress to keep as priority programs and legislation to combat hunger and poverty extreme in the country.
For more information or to read this article in Spanish visit the Red