Want To Be A Hero Or Heroine?

Latinos and Latinas carry in our DNA the vocation to serve others. We do it in little things, like helping the needy, care for the sick and pamper our loved ones Why not turn your passion for public service in a well-paid career, with flexible schedules filled with personal rewards?
The National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) has an answer that can literally change your life. If you want to learn more, achieve your dreams and have a stable and productive career, seriously consider a career in nursing. Thousands upon thousands of Latinas and Latinos dared and are making a difference in their lives, their families and their communities.
Therefore the NAHN launched a new edition of its successful "Careers in Nursing" where Latinas and Latinos as we have become not only nurses, but models of personal growth and career success, and share their experiences to inspire to keep our hopes alive.
Throughout the campaign you will meet 100 Latinas and Latinos may be your personal mentor en route to a career in nursing, in addition to inform not only the educational requirements that you require to fulfill your dreams, but also of all the resources at your scope and in your language.
Hispanic Network talked to many young people who have pursued careers in nursing and all share the same passion, dedication and commitment to service that has made them successful not only personally as models for their families and friends, but also in professional and economic .
You too can dare to be a hero or heroine. For more information visit www.carrerasenenfermeria.com or www.laredhispana.org